Thursday, April 30, 2009

Image Daily Mail

Yep, just when I needed to lock myself away in the office at home & concentrate on getting my work project completed & all the reports done by today, MOTH' s been struck down by that most devastating of all disease conditions - the Man Cold!

So in between trying to collate & compile all my report data, field panicky calls from Head Office about the looming deadline & yes, actually see some clients, I've had him home from work all week wanting my undivided attention.

For those fellow Virgoeans out there, MOTH's one of your mob, so that should give you the picture straight up of what I've had to contend with. For others who may not be up to speed with the traits of Virgo they are preoccupied with health and hygiene (Michael Jackson is also a Virgo - pass the face masks please!). MOTH's got the most comprehensive & best- stocked toiletries bag in the entire Western world & honestly, just looking inside it this week, I reckon he could quite happily perform the most complex of open-heart surgery procedures with what he's currently got stockpiled in there!

When he first started to sniffle on Monday night, there were of course immediate calls to the WHO Hot-Line as he was convinced he had that flu. After an hour of being on hold, I had to firmly remind him that the last time he was in North America was 1989 & it was going to be pretty unlikely that the virus would only just be manifesting itself in him now! To say he was disappointed would be the understatement of the century!

He's managed to shuffle off to work today, but I'm betting he'll be home by lunch-time, needing to take to his bed immediately with a glass of medicinal Scotch, this week's copy of the Footy Times & of course, his bed-side buzzer ready to call Nurse Millie in at the slightest opportunity. Have a great weekend everyone, & if anyone wants to relieve me on any of my home-nursing shifts I'd be eternally grateful!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Yunita David

Yunita David




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