Monday, August 11, 2008

Linda Shobe

You Were Only Waiting

Bells & Whistle

French Bells

Paper Bags on Black


Narcissus Bulbs

First Born

Three Little Pigs Construction Co.

All images Linda Shobe

I'm so excited to share this talented artist's work with you. After a fifteen year hiatus, Linda has decided to get back to into painting, & I for one is so happy she has! To quote her own words:

"I find myself drawn to the most humble and mundane objects - things that typically go unnoticed & unworthy of a second thought. In doing so, I try to elevate the significance of pedestrian items with dramatic light & shadows reminiscent of the chiariscuro effect captured by the masters. One will also discover tongue-in-cheek wit in some compositions."

As I dislike birds being caged, I find the first photo particularly poignant, but at the same time uplifting & very beautiful. I hope this post will evoke responses from everyone, I'm so interested to hear your thoughts on Linda's work.


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