Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Image: Unknown - via Son # 4's Joke File!

Yes, George I can assure you that a Budget has got numbers in it, as I'm up to my neck in them at the moment. With the temperature hitting 45.7C. (114.2F.) yesterday, the last thing I wanted to do was to be out & about, so I worked from home. And as Budgets are the one thing I truly do procrastinate over each year, it was the 09 FY forecasts that I turned my attention to all day. (After the 'sweetest' reminder from the Company CFO that mine was 'the only one not submitted, but don't worry Millie dear, global HQ are more than happy to wait until you are ready..... NOT!!!!')

I so loathe this process, & after slaving over all the actuarial analysis spreadsheets, I still reckon I could channel Mystic Millie's crystal ball & get the same results! There's just too many ifs, buts & maybes in my territory at the moment, although I'm very grateful that our business is almost recession proof. So these forecasts will really be best guestimates, just don't tell my boss that!

What is it that you procrastinate the most over, at home or work? And if you are so perfect & don't have an issue with anything, then tell us that too, & make us all feel even worse!


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