Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Grey Men

Click to enlarge - it's really worth it!

It's high time the Oxford Dictionary folk updated their definition for bedroom which currently reads as: a room for sleeping in (sometimes w. ref. to sexual intimacy). Come on guys - take a good, long look at this divine space & get with the programme. Even your description for boudoir is pretty tame: woman's small private room or sulking place (from the French word bouder:to sulk).........oh pleeeeease!

There is so much you can do in a bedroom other than sleep. Try dress, undress, twirl, cavort, preen, pamper, read, write, relax, plan, drink, love, talk, snuggle, argue, admire, caress, purr, kiss, dream, snooze, sing, sob & laugh for starters. So come on, use your imagination & creativity - I dare you!

What word/s would you like to throw at the grey men at Oxford University Press to assist them in their new description of bedroom? If you submit, I'll compile & send. In the early days of our marriage MOTH referred to it as the MPP (Marital Passion Pit) - aaah, those were the days! My word's sanctuary, what's yours?

Image Emma Dinverno


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