Sunday, October 10, 2010

Drive On By

I do love a good drive-by, but in recent times the meaning has somewhat changed! No gangs, violent confrontations & firearms here, just a slow amble by, a big drool, much sighing & a U-turn further down the street to repeat the exercise. In fact, those gang boys should forget the urban warfare stuff, hop into their cars & do a bit of real estate dreaming & drooling. It would help them get in touch with their feminine side & that could only be a good thing.

Looking at the real estate pages in the weekend papers, here's whats on this week's drive-by list in lovely Adelaide & the Hills. The houses on my list all have to have that certain pizzaz, great street appeal that brings the Millie-mobile to a screeching halt. Love the wonderful sandstone Victorian villa above, sitting on a big piece of land in salubrious North Adelaide. Oooooh those verandahs!! (AU$3.5-3.8m.)

And here's a really interesting Victorian terrace in Gilberton. That fretwork, interesting architectural features & fabulous wrought iron gates will have my neck stretching waaaay out of the car window. (AU$1.8m.)

Another big Victorian villa in gorgeous Unley Park. Set right back from the road basking in the evening light, I may just want to jump out & make them an offer on the spot! (EOI)

Just around the corner in Hawthorn (Adelaide's not Melbourne's!) it's the circular drive-way to this Victorian beauty that grabs me. Then the bay windows, wrought iron & wide verandahs - very nice. (POA)

Now this one looks VERY familiar. In fact I have driven past this Edwardian lovely thousands of times, because it belongs to our dear ex-neighbours in Unley! Jack & Angela & their boys were our neighbours 2 doors down for 16 years & I always loved the street appeal of their home. It sold at auction on Thursday - the new Owners should consider themselves very lucky, they have bought a home full of great warmth & charm. (AU$1.4m.)

Now what's going on here I hear you say. Is that the house, or what. Well actually it's just the start to the driveway of Fawley, a truly exquisite property in Balhannah, just up the road from us here in Stirling.

And here's what waiting for you once you traverse the long driveway - the most spectacular old period home sitting in one of the Hill's most amazing gardens. To see more pop over to Letitia's blog The White Shed. She posted on Fawley last week as she has a personal connection with the Owners & their lovely home. I'd love to know if there's one house here that you would 'chuck a U-e' for!! (For non-Aussie Hedgies - Meaning:make a U-turn. Example:Chuck a U-e mate, the pub's the other way.) (AU$3.8m.)

Images: Real Estate



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