Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Conference Call

Image Luxury Travel Magazine

OK, OK, it's a tough life but someone's got to do it! As you can see I'm going to be working very hard (blue lounge chair, 2nd from left!) over the next few days, attending a Scientific Conference in the Margaret River wine region of Western Australia.

These are my favourite clients, a small but fascinating sub-specialty group. They do incredibly precise & exacting work using the most challenging of microsystems & at times produce results that leave me breathless. They're often called upon to attempt last-ditch salvage work & when things don't go well despite their extraordinary skill, the results can be devastating & catastrophic. So they work in very stressful, tense environments, but when they relax, they relax big time! Some of my most 'fragile' early mornings over the past 20 years have been caused by a previous night out with these guys!

The Scientific Programme looks fantastic, with the International faculty presenting some really good research papers, but with presentations commencing at 7.30a.m. & conference dinners stretching far into the night, they'll be very long days. So I'll have to show some unusual Millie restraint & pace myself accordingly. Be good & I'll see you all next week.

Oh & if you're reading this MOTH, I have been noticing that you've been sneakily stocking the beer fridge with extra supplies over the past couple of weeks. I really didn't give it much thought as the footy season starts this weekend. But you totally gave yourself away by offering to drive me to the Airport today, not your usual style my darling - I get the feeling you want to make extra sure I board that plane! Miss Millie's sure you & the boys are up to something!


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