Friday, July 3, 2009
Something wonderful happened this arvo! I've spent the last 2 days resting & chilling out on MOTH's orders, but did wander out for a much-needed couple of hours at the hairdressers today. As I was walking back to the car I had an overwhelming feeling that the old Miss Millie was back inhabiting my body! After weeks of feeling & looking very unwell, today I've really started to feel like my old self & it can't come quickly enough.
I've been almost pain-free today, my latest blood tests are still showing a very nice downward trend & there's a decided lightness to my step - hooray! And to top it all off, my best friend gave me the biggest hug today & told me that he can see the old sparkle coming back (read as we had the biggest argie-bargie about this weekend's footy results!). So I'm sending you all the biggest & warmest of hugs, because without everyone's unwavering kindness, concern & support, this journey of the past few weeks would have been very different. Thank you from the bottom of my blogging heart!
Image: House to Home
Labels: millie