Saturday, July 31, 2010

Soyuz Training Capsule
Established in 1960, the Yuri Gagarin State Science Research and Test Cosmonaut Training Center has trained over four hundred space travelers from more than 30 countries.
(Berkembang di tahun 1960, Yuri Gagarin State Science Research and Test Cosmonaut Training Center telah melatih sampai 400 kosmonot dari 30 negara.)

Named for the Soviet hero cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, the first man to travel to space and orbit the Earth, the complex is the heart and soul of the Russian space program.
(Dinamakan untuk Yuri Gagarin, pahlawan kosmonot Soviet, orang pertama yang menjelajahi ruang angkasa dan orbit bumi, alat ini adalah jantung dan jiwa dari program ruang angkasa Rusia)

Capsule Training Seat
The complex currently offers tours to the public. Among of the many packages available: A ten-day "Cosmonaut Overview Training" experience, a $90,000-per-person package that includes centrifuge simulator training, use of a space suit, spacewalk simulation in a buoyancy tank and dinner with a cosmonaut.
(Alat ini saat ini telah ditawarkan untuk publik. Beberapa diantara banyak paket yang tersedia: 10 hari pengalaman dalam "Cosmonaut Overview Training", paket $90,000 per orang untuk centrifuge simulator training, menggunakan pakaian ruang angkasa, perjalanan ruang angkasa dengan simulator dand makan malam dengan kosmonot)

The center is part of Star City, a complex that houses the cosmonauts and their families and includes shops, a post office and a sports complex.
(Berpusat di Star City, sebuah kompleks, rumah untuk kosmonot dan keluarganya, termasuk pusat belanja, kantor pos dan sebuah pusat olahraga)

The center has a large and a small centrifuge, used to help astronauts accustom themselves to the G-forces they will experience during liftoff.
(Tempat ini memiliki centrifuge yang besar dan kecil, digunakan untuk membantu astronot membiasakan diri sebelum mereka pergi ke ruang angkasa)
Close Up
This assembly is part of an international space station simulator.
(Rakitan ini adalah bagian dari simulator stasiun ruang angkasa Internasional)

Museum Piece
This original space station simulator is now housed in Moscow Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics.
(Simulator stasiun ruang angkasa yang asli ini berada di Moscow Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics)

Cherished Souvenir
One of the first capsules used during the highly successful Soyuz space program stands in a passage at the Gagarin training center.
(Satu dari kapsul pertama yang digunakan ketika masa progam Soyuz di pusat pelatihan Gagarin)

A display at the center discusses botanical experiments conducted in space.
(Gambar yang menunjukkan pusat diskusi eksperimen botanical yang diselenggarakan di ruang angkasa)
On Camera
A training exercise is broadcast in the complex.

(Sebuah latihan disiarkan diseluruh kompleks)

Proton M Rocket
Graduates of the training center who are qualified to travel into space are launched from the Baikonour Cosmodrome, a facility located far from Star City in Kazakshtan. The rockets that take off from Baikonour are manufactured at other places in Russia. This Proton M rocket — which will carry satellite technology into orbit — was produced at Khrunichev, a plant in Moscow.
(Lulusan dari pusat pelatihan yang berhak untuk menjelajahi ruang angkasa diluncurkan dari Baikonour Cosmodrome, sebuah fasilitas yang berlokasi jauh dari Star City di Kazakshtan. Roket yang diambil ke Baikonour dihasilkan dari tempat yang berbeda di Rusia. Proton M Roket ini - yang akan mengangkut teknologi satelit kedalam orbit - diprokduksi di Khrunichev, sebuah kelompok di Moskow)

Made up

Made-Up from Mirjam Plettinx on Vimeo.


A hesitant girl tries to be someone else. She loses herself... quite literally.

The exploitation in Afghanistan returns only suffers for all of afghans. So, this is the picture of what still happened despite 10 years of occupying Afghanistan

Maybe it looks like someone has painted with his hand, but the only responsible artist for this live art is, Mother earth.

(Mungkin terlihat seperti orang melukis ini dengan tangan, tetapi seniman hanya bertanggung jawab untuk hidup karya-karya seni, Ibu Alam.)

The Rainbow Eucalyptus is the only one of the eucalyptus species that live north of earth. this things can grow up to 70 meters. There is many other interesting fact about Rainbow Eucalyptus, but the question appear: why the tree looks like painted?
(The Rainbow Eucalyptus adalah satu-satunya spesies kayu putih yang tumbuh di belahan bumi utara. Hal ini dapat tumbuh tinggi mengesankan, sampai 70 meter, dan biasanya tumbuh untuk kayu pulp nya, digunakan untuk membuat kertas putih. Ada banyak fakta menarik lainnya tentang Rainbow Eucalyptus, tapi pertanyaan yang jelas muncul: mengapa pohon itu terlihat seperti dicat?)

The secret is simple. That trees are cobbled by its skinny skin. This things created rainbow effect makes the trees good to see.
(Rahasia di balik Eucalyptus Rainbow sebenarnya cukup sederhana. Pohon-pohon itu adalah tambalan setiap beberapa tahun ganti kulit, tapi tidak pada saat yang sama. Karena beberapa tambalan alaminya hilang, kulit hijau dalam terekspos, dan, dewasa, setiap tambalan baru pertama berubah kebiruan, kemudian oranye, ungu dan merah. Hal ini menciptakan efek pelangi yang membuat pohon-pohon ini begitu baik untuk dilihat.)


A second this fish is akin with arwana, Amazon Aripaima said to be the biggest fresh water fish. According to the last description, this fish can grow up to 4.5 metres, but still 2 metres that had been found until now. Aripaima eats small fish, crustacea, etc. One of its unique behaviour i this fish is breathing from the air.
(Sekilas ikan ini mirip dengan ikan arwana , Arapaima Amazon dianggap sebagai ikan air tawar terbesar di dunia. Menurut deskripsi awal, bisa tumbuh sampai sampai 4,5 meter, tapi hingga saat ini, Arapaima besar seperti ini jarang ditemukan dan arapaimas paling dewasa rata-rata berukuran 2 meter. Arapaima memakan ikan kecil, krustasea dan apa pun hewan yang kecil bisa masuk kedalam mulut mereka. Salah satu ciri menarik dari ikan ini adalah menghirup oksigen dari udara, seperti cetacea, agar bertahan hidup. Arapaimas tidak menimbulkan bahaya bagi manusia dan sering diburu untuk diambil dagingnya, sayangnya Arapaima sangat langka saat ini.)


This animals is a victims from cretadeous period, can be found in sea deep 100 metres and also river. This fish looks like a shark because of its mouth, however sawfish isn't the spescies of shark.
(Hewan ini adalah korban dari periode Cretaceous, dan dapat ditemukan baik di laut atau di sungai pada kedalaman 100 km dengan panjang 7 meter, ikan ini terlihat seperti ikan hiu dengan mulut yang menyerupai gergaji mesin, namun sawfish bukan termasuk di dalam spesies ikan hiu hanya mirip.)

3.Alligator Gar
This fish is found in south, north AS, and east mexico. Became the biggest fresh water in north US. it can grow up to 4 metres and weight up to 200 kg. Alligator Gar is said akin to alligator. This fish is also dangerous to human though there has been no report about dead by this fish.
(Ini predator bersisik tebal ditemukan di AS selatan, utara dan timur Meksiko, menjadi ikan air tawar terbesar di Amerika Utara. Alligator Gar dapat tumbuh hingga 4 meter dan berat sampai 200 kg. Alligator Gar yang disebut demikian karena penampilan mereka mirip reptil buaya dan rahang yang panjang, memiliki dua sisi gigi yang tajam. Alligator Gar adalah predator yang rakus dan telah dikenal berbahaya untuk manusia, meskipun belum dikonfirmasi kematian karena Alligator Gars telah dicatat sampai saat ini. Gars adalah salah satu dari ikan tertua yang hidup saat ini.)

2.Polypterus Senegalus
This african fish often calls dinosaurs eel, because of their back fin appearance is serration. In fact, they aren't an eel.
(Ikan Africa ini sering disebut "belut dinosaurus", karena penampilan mereka dan sirip punggung bergerigi. Mereka sebenarnya bukan belut, tetapi anggota keluarga Bichirs. Meskipun sering dijual sebagai hewan peliharaan eksotis "belut dinosaurus", mereka dapat bertahan keluar dari air untuk jangka waktu yang lama selama kulit mereka tetap basah.)

Coelacanth is the most popular from all of 'live fossil' and proper to be the #1 of this list, because this is the best example from a lazarus taxonomy, this animal should be extinct long time ago. in 1938, a live species is found in south africa.
(Coelacanth adalah yang paling terkenal dari semua "fosil hidup" dan pantas menjadi # 1 dalam daftar ini, karena ini adalah contoh terbaik dari sebuah takson Lazarus, ini adalah binatang yang seharusnya lama punah dan tak terduga ditemukan masih hidup hingga sekarang. Ikan ini seharusnya telah punah pada periode Cretaceous, bersama dengan dinosaurus, tetapi pada tahun 1938, sebuah spesimen hidup tertangkap di Afrika Selatan. Sejak itu, spesimen telah dilihat dan difoto, dan spesies Coelacanth kedua bahkan ditemukan di Indonesia pada tahun 1999. Ikan ini adalah predator besar, panjangnya 2 meter, mereka memakan ikan yang kecil, termasuk hiu kecil, dan biasanya ditemukan di laut dalam, perairan gelap.)
People rarely eat this fish and consumed it because of their weird taste, Coelancanth live in south africa water and east indonesia water. Coelacanth is categorize as prehistory fish and live fossil because it guess has been live in devonian era, about 380 million years ago.
(Penduduk jarang menangkap dan mengkonsumsi karena rasanya yang aneh, Coelancanth ikan raja laut sebagai spesies yang hampir punah hingga saat ini. Ikan ini hanya hidup di perairan Afrika Selatan bagian barat dan perairan Indonesia timur masing-masing disebut Latimeria chalumnae dan Latimeria menadoensis. Spesies baru yang ditemukan di Manado pada tahun 1999 mengejutkan dunia karena sejak tahun 1940 spesies Coelacanth dikenal hanya berasal dari bagian barat Madagaskar. Coelacanth dikategorikan sebagai ikan prasejarah dan fosil hidup karena diduga sudah ada semenjak era Devonian, sekitar 380 juta tahun yang lalu.)

Amazing 3D Sidewalk Art

3d sidewalk art, chalk drawings, illusion, Julian Beever, pavement art, realistic

They are amazing because they 1) look real 2) are completely flat but look 3 Dimensional 3) drawn only with chalk.
The author of these great drawing is a super creative person also known as Pavement Picasso whose name is Julian Beever.
Not to reinvent the wheel I will cite Wikipedia: “Julian Beever is an English chalk artist who has been creating trompe-l’œil chalk drawings on pavement surfaces since the mid-1990s. His works are created using a projection called anamorphosis, and create the illusion of three dimensions when viewed from the correct angle.
Beever works as a freelance performance artist and creates murals for companies.” Keep in mind that every sidewalk drawing is entirely flat!
Phew, that was an easy introduction! Enjoy the pictures, my friends.

The Artist Faces Himself

(Image credits: RedRoseRattus)
How did he know how he looks from the side? I bet he asked someone to take his picture in that position. And one little interesting detail – the beer on the left is real, not on the right.

Square Of Slabs Removed From Sidewalk

(Image credits: RedRoseRattus)
Someone has to punish him for ruining the public property!

Eiffel Tower Sand-Sculpture

(Image credits: HMHung)
Look closely at the tip of the Tower – there are a couple standing on it. I hate the bench behind them, because it’s ruining the picture.
This drawing was drawn in Paris and used in Gallery HD television series “Concrete Canvas” (Episode 8).

Waterpool with a chick, Redondo Beach, CA

(Image credits: slimdandy)
This drawing was also created for an episode of “Concrete Canvas”.

A Coca-Cola Bottle Lying On The Sidewalk

(Image credits: RedRoseRattus)
It seems that Julian Beever is a huge fan of brands.

Box Of Chalks

(Image credits: RedRoseRattus)
Those must be the chalks he uses for his pavement drawings.

A Dead Fly On The Sidewalk

(Image credits: RedRoseRattus)
Julian Beever knows how to make his drawing even cooler.

Transformer at Union Square

(Image credits: hotdogger13)
Transformer comes out from the pavement. Seems a bit astonished.

Holes on San Francisco pavement

(Image credits: gorditojaramillo)
Be careful not to fall down here!

Nokia Town?

(Image credits: Roslan Tangah (aka Rasso))
This drawing is in Singapore. Not sure if the title is correct. Again, it shows that he is a fan of brands. Or maybe Nokia paid him?

Dies Irae (Day of Wrath)

(Image credits: Panchóv)
The day of wrath has begun with this hole on the pavement.

Batman & Robin to the Rescue

(Image credits: RedRoseRattus)
It is still hard to believe that it is entirely flat surface.

Water Rafting

(Image credits: La Mindi)
The illusion is quite strong here, of course they are just sitting in one place and look quite stupid for the people passing by.


(Image credits: d.e.r.f.)
At first, it is hard to understand what the drawing is all about. But I can cite the author from his website: “Ants : a colony of leaf-cutter ants builds a bridge in Buenos Aires.” Would you have guessed it?

Arctic street conditions

(Image credits: Zahorí)
After a hard work a seal came out of the pavement and rewarded Julian Beever with a soft drink.


(Image credits: Jonathan Dann)
A DHL boy delivering a parcel all the way from China – that’s how they do it so fast!

Push the bout out

(Image credits: Richard Johnson Hurtado)
I think it is the most realistic illusion, seems like a real hole with a water inside.

Politicians Meeting Their End

(Image credits: Richard Johnson Hurtado)
At last – politicians are meeting their end! But don’t be so happy, its just an illusionary drawing…
It was drawn near The Bank of England and was commissioned by Channel 4’s Midnight Special for the night of the 1997 General Election.

Bottle of Beer

(Image credits: Pauky)
This picture would look best if someone was standing on it’s cork. (I think there is such picture in authors website).

Gold digging

(Image credits: Richard Johnson Hurtado)

(Image credits: Richard Johnson Hurtado)
(Image credits: Richard Johnson Hurtado)

(Image credits: Richard Johnson Hurtado)

(Image credits: Richard Johnson Hurtado)
This guy is incredible! (and must be rich too, since he found gold beneath the pavement).
The series were used by White’s Electronics of Inverness in Treasure Hunting magazine.

Taking the plunge

(Image credits: bisonbison)
If Julian really took that plunge, that must have hurt his head really bad.

Beneath every street

(Image credits: BisonBison)
Beneath every street there are pipes. Have a drink!


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