Two very memorable things happened in the little village of Stirling in June 2006 - we moved up from the City & the Pub received a fabulous make-over. One is slightly more impressive than the other & I'll leave that for you to decide!
Since then MOTH & I have had many relaxed nights enjoying a wonderful dinner in the casual Bistro.
Or with a pint by the fire in the Front Bar, followed by the compulsory game of pool before stumbling home.
And the occasional special dinner in the flash Mallee Grill restaurant.
MOTH's well-known in the fabulous adjoining Bottle Shop, occasionally needing a red card flashed at him to let him know he's overstayed his welcome at the Tasting table.
Now Brett & Sarah the owners have responded to the acute shortage of decent accommodation in town by wandering upstairs & giving all the unused rooms a new lease of life. They have called their venture 5 Rooms - & that's exactly what it is. 5 simple but elegant suites with king-sized beds, luxury linen, i-Pod docking stations, double showers, spa baths, etc. All rooms share a cute little kitchen with a big espresso machine. 3 rooms have open fireplaces & french doors opening out onto the sweeping upstairs balcony.

We've spent many a happy warm Summer's night propped up out the front of The Stirling. Some nights, we even walk the 1/2km., but MOTH needs to lead the way home with a torch, as once away from the main street, there isn't any street lighting, so finding our front door is quite a challenge! So if you are heading up our way, I hope you stop at The Stirling, & maybe even give one of the 5 Rooms a spin.
Images: The Stirling Hotel