Wednesday, December 29, 2010

10 Ways to Gain Confidence

Weall want to become more confident and feel good about ourselves so wecan live our very best life. Most highly successful people are known tobe confident. They know the art of gaining confidence and theimportance of improving their self confidence in the face of obstacles.How to gain this confidence and joining the league of successful peopleis not difficult. The key to this self confidence is to be true toyourself and your capabilities. Knowing how to be confident is animportant skill and mastering this art will help you succeed in life.Following are tips on how you can gain confidence and improve your selfimage:

  • Understand your capabilitiesand strengths: Take time out to think about whom you are, what youbelieve in and what is important to you. Evaluate your capabilities andstrengths. Decide what you want from life.
  • Accept who you are: Have the courage to accept yourself as youreally are even though you are not what someone else thinks or wantsyou to be. Believe in yourself that you are a pretty good person. Youhave your own talents, skills and abilities that make you extraordinary.
  • Develop a sense of control: When you feel very much in control ofyourself and your life, you will feel confident enough to do and saythings that match with your values and aspirations. Establish a senseof direction based on your behavior and always aim at objectives.
  • Do something you enjoy: Engage yourself in activities that youenjoy doing or playing like writing or painting. You can also trylearning something new that you always wanted to do. Once you masterthings you enjoy, you will feel competent and capable.
  • Relax: Learning to become more relaxed is very important in life.People who are more relaxed have fewer memory problems and are preparedto face obstacles in life. You can relax by practicing meditationtechniques including Tai Chi.
  • Positive people and thoughts: Surround yourself with people who areconfident and caring. Wash out negative thoughts from your mind.Negative relationships drain energy from your body and createsituations in which you lose your self esteem.
  • Make a list of your accomplishments: Value whatever you achieve inlife. An accomplishment however small it is, is still anaccomplishment.
  • Be true and honest to yourself: Being true to yourself meansknowing exactly what you want and having a plan to achieve it.Self-confidence comes when you know that you have the capacity to getwhat you want in life.
  • Do not fear failure: It is extremely important to remember that ifyou predetermine that you are bound to fail, then you will. Instead ofbeing preoccupied with the fear of failure and loss, as most peopleare, concentrate on opportunity and achievement.
  • Write out your thoughts: Maintain a journal and write down allthings you want to do and accomplish. Take notice of day to dayachievements and failures and think of possible reasons for them too.When you pen down your achievements and failures, you get into writingthe thoughts that affect your self confidence throughout the day.
People are not born with goodself-confidence. Most of us have to work at it. Eventually it willdevelop from your thinking and the things you do daily to make yourselffeel good.


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