Sunday, November 14, 2010


History of Eid Ul Adha

Eid is a festival of Muslims that is celebrated all over the world.Eid-ul-Adha is also known as the festival of sacrifice and sacrificefeast. Eid- ul- Adha is celebrated on the tenth day of Dhuj Hijja, theIslamic month according to the lunar Islamic calendar. Eid- ul- Adhaaccurs approximately seventy days after the end of Ramadan month. Thefestival of Eid- ul- Adha is celebrated in the remembrance of prophetAbraham’s readiness to forfeit Ismael, his son for Allah. The storyabout this festival tells, how Abraham was ready to kill his son andremained true to God. The story tells, how Allah told Abraham, to liftup the foundation of Kaaba that was a holy place in Mecca.

Allah also asked Abraham to sacrifice his son, in a dream. Abrahamalong with his son started moving towards Mina for the sacrifice. Someof the daemons tried to direct Abraham away from his way but Abrahamwas true to God and as he was just set to sacrifice his son, Allahreplaced Abraham's son with a sheep. This festival is thereby said tobe a festival of sacrifice. Eid- ul- Adha is also celebrated because itends the pilgrimage or Hajj for those Muslims who make a trip to Meccaeach year.

Just like Eid- ul- Fitr, Eid- ul - Adha also commences with a smallprayer followed by Khutba. The delivery of this Khutba is done fromMount Arafat in Mecca. It is assumed that Eid- ul- Adha should last forthree days but some of the Islamic traditions think that Eid- ul- Fitrlast for three days and Eid- ul- Adha last for four days.

Eid Ul Adha Routine

The first day of Eid- ul- Adha is a holiday and all the members ofthe family dress up in new and beautiful clothes to carry out the Eid-ul- Adha prayers (Salah) in large groups. On this day all the Muslimsforfeit their domestic animals like sheep and goat representingAbraham’s forfeit. This forfeit made by Muslims is known as “Qurban”.Once the animal is sacrificed then the meat of the animal isdistributed among the friends, relatives, neighbors and poor people.Muslims communities on this day take care that no poor and needy Muslimis missed out to provide the sacrificial food.

all bakra community took a decison..

the leader approved it..


..they were afraid either their plan going to work or not??

......ha ha ha

..they stick to their mission

..and their plan worked..


...thank God you are not a bakra



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