Friday, December 31, 2010

Ini dia nih, mobil yang menggunakan campuran antara Hidrogen murni + bensin sebagai bahan bakarnya.

Ronn Motor Company, Texas, yang mengajukan pembuatan mobil ini.

Ronn Motor Scorpion Scorpion, Supercar of The Future

It all started when Ronn Motors teamed up with the Hydrorunner G3, which is an onboard water and electrolysis unit.

Click to Read about Hydrorunner G3 Scorpion, Supercar of The Future

The result was named Scorpion, a revolution to a new generation of “green cars”.

Ronn Motor Scorpion 1 Scorpion, Supercar of The Future

Scorpion has a 3.5-liter, six-cylinder VTEC engine from Acura, equipped with two turbos and an intercooler to take it from 280 hp to 450 hp (there’s even a 600 hp option).

Ronn Motor Scorpion 3 Scorpion, Supercar of The Future

Combined with the ultra-efficient V6, Ronn Motors claims a boost in mileage of around 20 to 30% and a substantial drop in C02 output.

Ronn Motor Scorpion 6 Scorpion, Supercar of The Future

Most of the hydrogen powered vehicles use fuel cells. Hydrogen is pumped into a tank in the car, just as gasoline. The hydrogen gas is then fed into the fuel cell where it is electrochemically converted into electricity–with no combustion, no moving parts and no emissions other than water vapor. The electricity is used to power the vehicle.

Ronn Motor Scorpion 4 Scorpion, Supercar of The Future

The Scorpion takes another approach – real time Hydrogen Injection fuel delivery system.

Ronn Motor Scorpion 5 Scorpion, Supercar of The Future

This technology consists of a system that generates hydrogen and oxygen from distilled water in real time as the Scorpion moves down the road and delivers these gases to the air intake of an internal combustion engine.

Ronn Motor Scorpion 2 Scorpion, Supercar of The Future

With only 2,200 pounds weighing the Scorpion down, the company estimates fuel mileage at around 40 miles-per-gallon and a price tag of US $250 000.

Para fans Apple yang tidak puas hanya bisa mengutak atik iPhone bisa berkunjung ke Jepang. Sebab di Negeri Sakura ini, ada iPhone yang lezat dan bisa dimakan.

Sebuah toko kue bernama Green Gables di Tokushima memiliki ide kreatif dengan mendompleng popularitas iPhone. Mereka membuat biskuit coklat dengan bentuk amat mirip iPhone.

Coba lihat, kue ini didesain sedemikian rupa sehingga menyerupai iPhone, lengkap dengan menu di layarnya. Tak disangka, makanan ini laris diminati konsumen.

Adalah Kumiko Kudo, pemilik Green Gables yang memprakarasai kue iPhone pada tahun 2008. Keunikannya membuat keberadaan kue iPhone menyebar dari mulut ke mulut dan juga via Twitter.

"Sungguh mengejutkan melihat reaksi besar ini. Dulunya, kue ini dibuat hanya untuk memenuhi pesanan temanku dan aku tidak berencana menerima order lain," ucap Kumiko, dikutip detikINET dari AFP, Kamis (30/12/2010).

Beberapa waktu lalu, Kumiko bahkan sempat memamerkan biskuit kebanggaannya itu pada presiden Softbank, operator di Jepang yang memasarkan iPhone. Sang presiden, Masayoshi Son, pun terkejut melihatnya.

Mau menikmatinya? Bersiaplah merogoh kocek cukup dalam. Kue berjuluk iCookie ini dijual USD 33 atau sekitar Rp 300 ribu. Itupun konsumen harus memesan dahulu untuk dibuatkan

Big UFO-like cloud
The Sky Pictures (8 Photos)

Dawn in the mountains
The Sky Pictures (8 Photos)

Amazing colors galore
The Sky Pictures (8 Photos)

Palm tree on a tropical island
The Sky Pictures (8 Photos)

Beautiful twister-like clouds
The Sky Pictures (8 Photos)

Marvels of nature
The Sky Pictures (8 Photos)

Fairy-tale picture of nature
The Sky Pictures (8 Photos)

Hot, hot!
The Sky Pictures (8 Photos)

The world of fungi is diverse and mystifying. Some fungi are delicious fried up or tossed into an omelet, other fungi are sought after for their hallucinogenic properties, and some fungi are thought to be responsible for mass plagues - dancing fever anyone?
Allow me to introduce to you one of the more unusual members of Kingdom Fungi, the Bleeding Tooth Fungus, or Hydnellum peckii which goes by various names often referring to juice or blood. This fungus can be found in North America where it is more common in the Pacific Northwest and resides mostly in coniferous forests. The Bleeding Tooth also makes appearances in Europe and has recently been discovered in both Iran and Korea.
Upon a first glimpse of the bleeding tooth fungus, one may dismiss the ruby-red liquid as the blood of some poor forest creature splattered across the white mushroom cap. When inspected more closely, it becomes obvious that the fungus is oozing liquid through its own small pores. The liquid on most specimens does in fact resemble blood, but can also be light pink, yellow, orange or beige in color. Many describe the liquid as blood-like or juice-like; some may think it resembles liquid candy, (the kind sold in vials at the convenience store). Though not uncommon, many people appear stumped when encountering this unusual shroom out in the wild, as is evident in many forum posts and blogs questioning their sanity and asking simply: “What is this thing?” One would think that the existence of these perplexing fungi would be a hot topic during biology class, it’s hard to imagine a middle school biology teacher passing up the opportunity to gross out the students with bleeding mushrooms, but I could be wrong.
We are often taught not to eat or touch unusual things that grow wild, but the flashy Hydnellum peckii is not considered toxic to humans, just inedible. This unique mushroom obtains its “inedible” status due to the taste of its flesh and juice which are described as “acrid” or extremely bitter and “peppery.”
The aroma of this fungus is often described as being “unpleasant”. The juice itself contains a pigment called atromentin which has been discovered as having anticoagulant properties similar to heparin which is derived from the mucus membranes of slaughtered cattle and hogs. Scientists have also discovered the fungus contains antibiotic properties, effective against streptococcus pneumoniae. The mushroom can also be dried and transformed into a plant based dye for cloth, producing an earthy beige color. Useful as well as mysteriously repulsive, this little fungus is sure to be counted as one of your favorites, that is, once you get over the initial shock of it’s gruesome appearance.

Mobil sport Korea, Spirra akhirnya resmi diluncurkan di China. Petarung Ferrari dan Lamborghini dari Negeri Gingseng itu dilepas mulai Rp1,3 miliar.

Ada empat Spirra yang ditawarkan, yakni Spirra N, Spirra S, Spirra Turbo, dan Spirra EX. Masing-masing ditawarkan dengan harga Rp1,3 miliar, Rp1,6 miliar, Rp1,9 miliar, dan Rp2,5 miliar.

Spirra diproduksi oleh Ollim di Korea Selatan. Kantor pusat Oullim terletak di jantung kota Seoul sementara fasilitas manufakturnya berada di provinsi Kyunggi-do, sebelah selatan Seoul.

Ada banyak orang penting dalam Oullim, diantaranya beberapa mantan desainer Ssangyong yang dulu menggarap rancang bangun SUV dari merek tersebut.

Spirra dibuat menggunakan bahan serat karbon utuh serta rangka tubular space. Penggunaan bahan ini menjadikan bobot mobil sekira 1.320 kg.

"Desain Spirra adalah agresif dalam proporsi yang cukup. Tampilan ini dimaksudkan bukan untuk mencitrakan sebuah supercar tapi kepada eleganitas," sebut para desainer Oullim.

Semula pihak perusahaan berencana untuk menjejalkan mesin V8, namun akhirnya mesin V6 berkapasitas 2.656 cc-lah yang digunakan. Kabarnya mesin ini dicomot dari keluaran Hyundai.

Mesin sebesar itu sanggup menghasilkan tenaga 175 hp dengan torsi 245 Nm. Namun ada pula varian mesin bertenaga 330 hp, 400-420 hp, serta 450-500 hp.

Keluaran tenaga sebesar itu dicangkokkan lewat sistem transmisi 6-speed manual yang sanggup melontarkan Spirra 0-100 km dalam 3,5 detik saja. Sebuah hasil yang sangat baik bila dibandingkan Ferrari maupun Lamborghini.

Agar mampu meredam kecepatan maksimum Spirra yang sanggup tembus hingga 310 km/jam, piranti rem keluaran Brembo 6 piston di depan serta 4 piston pada belakang dipercaya mampu menghasilkan pengendalian yang cukup signifikan. (uky)

sumber : okezone

Sebuah penelitian dilakukan oleh pakar EFT untuk menunjukkan bagaimana kondisi darah manusia disaat normal, sedih, gembira, jatuh cinta dan saat berdoa. EFT itu sendiri apa sih??? Untuk lebih jelasnya silahkan dibaca disini. Oke, kita lanjutkan saja. Pakar EFT tersebut mengambil sampel darah seorang pasien (Rebecca) kemudian memotretnya dengan menggunakan “darkfield microscope” yang dihubungkan dengan monitor komputer. Dan tampaklah perubahan drastis pada darah Rebecca tersebut setiap kali emosinya berubah. Berikut ini adalah foto darah seorang Rebecca sebelum dan sesudah melakukan EFT.

Sebelum melakukan EFT
( sel darah merah menggumpal disebabkan oleh Lectin yang didapat dari alergi ayam & alpukat )
Sesudah melakukan EFT
( sel darah merah menjadi normal kembali )
Kemudian Rebecca melakukan EFT lagi dan mengundang emosi “sedih” dengan cara memikirkan saat-saat sedih sampai dia menangis, lalu sang pakar EFT ( Dr. Felicy) mengambil sampel darahnya lagi.

Kondisi darah saat sedih
( sel darah begerak cepat dan berbentuk air mata )
Lalu Rebecca menggunakan EFT untuk mengundang energi “cinta” untuk memasuki tubuh dan darahnya. Dan seketika darahnya kembali normal, dan sel-sel darah bergerak dengan indah dan timbul substansi yang berkilauan dalam cairan darah
Kondisi darah saat merasakan cinta:

( sel darah bergerak pelan dan cenderung berkumpul )
Satu kenyataan menarik pada sampel darah saat “sedih” terjadi perubahan seperti pada sampel darah saat “merasakan cinta”. Jadi walaupun darah itu sudah meninggalkan tubuh Rebecca ia tetap masih berhubungan dengan pemiliknya.

Kemudian seorang Rebecca mengundang rasa takut dan memikirkan kejadian menakutkan yang pernah ia alami. Dan sel-sel dalam darahnya bergerak tidak beraturan dengan sangat cepat (ditunjukkan pada gambar dibawah dimana terlihat sel-sel darah saling berjatuhan). Mungkin ini adalah akibat dari produksi adrenalin sebagai reaksi normal atas rasa takut.

Kondisi darah saat merasa takut

Lalu Rebecca mecoba untuk memikirkan “sifat feminine Tuhan”. Dan memohon kepada-Nya untuk menyalurkan energi feminine itu kedalam tubuh dan darahnya. Saat berdoa tersebut, Rebecca merasakan seperti ini “saya merasakan gelombang energi yang begitu besarnya menyelimuti diri saya, saya sampai menangis bahagia karenanya”, begitu Rebecca tersebut menggambarkan pengalamannya. Saat sampel darah Rebecca diambil setelah berdoa dan merasakan pengalaman religius itu, kemudian dilihatkan dibawah mikroskop yang dihubungkan dengan komputer, semua yang hadir dilaboratorium itu seketika terdiam dan terpana karena melihat komdisi darah yang sama sekali berbeda dengan yang lain, cairah darahnya sangat cerah, gerakan sel darah sangat tenang seakan bergerak dengan penuh kedamaian, muncul banyak substansi yang berkilauan. Di dalam sel darah terdapat substansi yang bercahaya dan berdenyut seperti denyutan jantung mini.

Kondisi darah saat berdoa
(timbul substansi putih berkilauan dan darah bergerak pelan dan sangat teratur)

Thursday, December 30, 2010

De Ghuma Ke, 

ICC Cricket World Cup 2011 Official Theme Song

ICC Cricket World Cup 2011 promises to be a treat for all cricket lovers as the mother of all tournaments– The ICC Cricket World Cup- is scheduled to take place from Feb 19 toApril 2nd. This time the World Cup is being hosted by India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh.
The trio have composed the ICC Cricket World Cup 2011′s official theme song. The song is titled ‘De Ghuma Ke’ which in itself is a passionate expression
The countdown to cricket’s biggest tournament has already kicked off with just 50 days to go. When you talk about cricket, can Bollywood be far behind? Well, not really, and this time Bollywoodwould be making its presence felt through the musical trio ofShankar-Ehsaan-Loy. The trio have composed the ICC Cricket World Cup2011′s officialtheme song.
The song is titled ‘De Ghuma Ke’ which in itself is a passionateexpression that creatively captures the fierce sense of competition andthe desire to win. The song has been composed in 3 different versionsnamely Hindi, Bangla and Sinhalese that will feature in the build-up to and during the tournament in India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.
For all of you who can’t wait to hear this pulsating number, there’sgood news. The song will be released on December 31st via various radionetworks in India and also on ESPN STAR Sports, ICC’s global productionand broadcast rights holder.
Tags: Bangla, bollywood, Broadcast Rights, Countdown, Cricket Lovers, Cricket World Cup, Cricket World Cup 2011, De Ghuma Ke, Ehsaan Noorani, Espn, Espn Sports, Espn Star Sports, Features, Global Production, Icc Cricket World, Icc Cricket World Cup, Icc Cricket World Cup 2011, ICC Cricket World Cup 2011 Official song, ICC Cricket World Cup 2011 Official theam song, ICC cricket WORLD CUP 2011 official THEME SONG, ICC Cricket World Cup 2011 Theme Song, ICC Cricket World Cup 2011's official theme, ICC World Cup 2011 Official theam song, Loy Mendonca, Mother Of All Tournaments, Musical Trio, News, Official ICC Cricket World Cup Theme Song, Passionate Expression, Radio Networks, Shankar Ehsaan Loy, Shankar Mahadevan, Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy compose World Cup theme song, Sinhalese, Theme Song, Theme Song ICC Cricket World Cup 2011, World Cup 2011, World Cup Theme Song.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Geri Halliwell, 38, strips off on a Miami beach to promote her latest venture - a range of sizzling swimwear. She looked delighted not only to make her own fashion debut - but to show off her toned and tanned curves too. The pieces, from the Geri by Next collection, will be on sale at the high street retailers or via from next month. Her range will be affordable to the average woman. The range will also include some gorgeous beach cover-up pieces, including a strapless black dress and a colourful pink and purple kaftan with a low neckline, as well as the likes of a bright blue frilled two-piece, two different leopard-print two pieces and a purple bandeau outfit.

Sir Elton John, 62, and partner David Furnish, 48, welcomed their son Zachary Jackson Levon Furnish-John on Dec. 25. The birth marks the realization of John and Furnish's dream of becoming parents. Last fall, the couple visited an orphanage in the Ukraine and planned to adopt a 14-month-old boy named Lev and his HIV-positive brother Artyom but was declined by the Ukranian authorities. After being rejected in their adoption bid, John and Furnish decided to pursue their dream of becoming parents with the help of a surrogate.

10 Ways to Gain Confidence

Weall want to become more confident and feel good about ourselves so wecan live our very best life. Most highly successful people are known tobe confident. They know the art of gaining confidence and theimportance of improving their self confidence in the face of obstacles.How to gain this confidence and joining the league of successful peopleis not difficult. The key to this self confidence is to be true toyourself and your capabilities. Knowing how to be confident is animportant skill and mastering this art will help you succeed in life.Following are tips on how you can gain confidence and improve your selfimage:

  • Understand your capabilitiesand strengths: Take time out to think about whom you are, what youbelieve in and what is important to you. Evaluate your capabilities andstrengths. Decide what you want from life.
  • Accept who you are: Have the courage to accept yourself as youreally are even though you are not what someone else thinks or wantsyou to be. Believe in yourself that you are a pretty good person. Youhave your own talents, skills and abilities that make you extraordinary.
  • Develop a sense of control: When you feel very much in control ofyourself and your life, you will feel confident enough to do and saythings that match with your values and aspirations. Establish a senseof direction based on your behavior and always aim at objectives.
  • Do something you enjoy: Engage yourself in activities that youenjoy doing or playing like writing or painting. You can also trylearning something new that you always wanted to do. Once you masterthings you enjoy, you will feel competent and capable.
  • Relax: Learning to become more relaxed is very important in life.People who are more relaxed have fewer memory problems and are preparedto face obstacles in life. You can relax by practicing meditationtechniques including Tai Chi.
  • Positive people and thoughts: Surround yourself with people who areconfident and caring. Wash out negative thoughts from your mind.Negative relationships drain energy from your body and createsituations in which you lose your self esteem.
  • Make a list of your accomplishments: Value whatever you achieve inlife. An accomplishment however small it is, is still anaccomplishment.
  • Be true and honest to yourself: Being true to yourself meansknowing exactly what you want and having a plan to achieve it.Self-confidence comes when you know that you have the capacity to getwhat you want in life.
  • Do not fear failure: It is extremely important to remember that ifyou predetermine that you are bound to fail, then you will. Instead ofbeing preoccupied with the fear of failure and loss, as most peopleare, concentrate on opportunity and achievement.
  • Write out your thoughts: Maintain a journal and write down allthings you want to do and accomplish. Take notice of day to dayachievements and failures and think of possible reasons for them too.When you pen down your achievements and failures, you get into writingthe thoughts that affect your self confidence throughout the day.
People are not born with goodself-confidence. Most of us have to work at it. Eventually it willdevelop from your thinking and the things you do daily to make yourselffeel good.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Kristen Dunst

The American Actress Kristen Dunst
Full name: Kirsten Caroline Dunst

Born On:
April 30, 1982 (Present age 28)

Place in:
Point Pleasant, New Jersey, United States

American Film Actress

Year’s of active:
1989 present
The one of the famous celebrities Kirsten Caroline Dunst is an American film actress, fashion model, and singer. Dunst through her film first appearance in Oedipus Wrecks, a small film directed by Woody Allen. Dunst accomplished worldwide fame as an effect of her representation of Mary Jane Watson in the Spider-Man trilogy. Seeing as her films have included the quixotic comedy Wimbledon, the dreamy science fiction Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and Cameron Crowe's tragicomedy Elizabethtown. She played the title role in Sofia Coppola's Marie Antoinette, as well as she starred in the pleasantry How to Lose Friends & Alienate People.
Awards and Nominations

Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Films, USA

(Won: 1, Year: 1995 & Nominations: 2, Year: 1996, 2003 )







Saturn Award

Best Performance by a Younger Actor

Award For Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles (1994).

Chicago Film Critics Association Awards

(Won: 1, Year: 1995 & Nominations: 0, Year: - )



CFCA Award

Most Promising Actress

For Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles (1994).

Empire Awards, UK

(Won: 1, Year:2003 & Nominations: 1, Year: 2005 )



Empire Award

Best Actress

Award For Spider-Man (2002).

MTV Movie Awards

(Won: 3, Year: 1995, 2003 & Nominations: , Year: )



MTV Movie Award

Best Female Performance

Award For Spider-Man (2002).

Best Kiss

Award For Spider-Man (2002).

Shared with:

Tobey Maguire



MTV Movie Award

Best Breakthrough Performance

Award For Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles (1994).

Teen Choice Awards

(Won: 1, Year: 2002 & Nominations: 6, Year: 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2007 )



Teen Choice Award

Film - Choice Lip Lock

Award For Spider-Man (2002).

Shared with:

Tobey Maguire
For More Awards
For More News About: Kristen Dunst

Mischa Barton

The American Actress Mischa Barton
Full name: Mischa Anne Marsden Barton

Born On:
24 January 1986 (Present age 24)

Place in:
Hammersmith, London, England, UK

Actress, model

Years of active:
The one of the famous celebrities Mischa Anne Marsden Barton is an English and American fashion model, television actress, film actress and stage actress, most excellent recognized for her role as Marissa Cooper in the American TV series The O.C...
Awards and Nominations

Teen Choice Awards

(Won: 2, Year: 2004, 2006 & Nominations: 2, Year: 2004, 2005 )







Teen Choice Award

TV - Choice Actress

Award For "The O.C." (2003).



Teen Choice Award

Choice Breakout TV Star - Female

Award For "The O.C." (2003).

Prism Awards

(Won: 0, Year: - & Nominations: 1, Year: 2007 )



Prism Award

Performance in a Drama Series Episode

Award For "The O.C." (2003).
For More Awards
For More News About: Mischa Barton


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