Sunday, November 21, 2010

Save The Date

MOTH here dear Hedgies

Part One of my Tips For Organizing The Perfect Wedding for Prince William.

You gotta get a move on mate & lock the date in. Get those Grey Men at yor Palace to send out a card to everyone on their list & I reckon I've found the perfect one for youse considering what line of work you're in now. I had a real great idea lined up for my nuptials to Mills, a stubbie of Cooper's Pale Ale with the Save The Date card attached with a rubber band. Unfortunately Mills canned that idea pretty early on. And talking about Mills, I've got some pretty big news for you mate. Your girl shares the same birthday as my missus - yep Mills & Kate were both born January 9th (26 years apart tho). You poor lucky bloke, are youse in for some rocky deliriously happy years ahead or what!! I'll be back later in the week with some more grouse advice, if Mills unlocks the Bathroom-From-Hell door from the outside, so I come out & take a breather from the paint fumes.



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