Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Digging Deep

This is the external view of our bedroom, I love it.

On the other side of all of that foliage is this - the wall that our very schmicko linen headboard is attached to & there is a problem. Somewhere in amongst all those leaves is a very important downpipe that collects a lot of water from our roof when it buckets down. The pipe runs down the wall, then under & along the paving in our little courtyard & then down a deep trench off into the garden. It's the original c1972 jobbo & it's mightily stuffed. The water is not draining away & is pooling at the base which means there's the possibility of a damp issue in that wall if it's not repaired pronto. This should be a job for Russell the Plumber, but you know MOTH, he won't spend a cent on anything he can vaguely do himself.

So this Sunday morning it's all hands on deck, or in this case, on courtyard. I want at all cost to preserve as much of the Ornamental Grapevine as I can in the 'repair' process, as I think it's a lovely feature of that part of the house. Plus it offers great shade & keeps the bedroom considerably cooler in Summer. The boys have been co-opted in return for beer & a roast dinner. They'll need to dig up the pavers, replace the downpipe on the wall, run it down along the trench, organize the run-off & replace all the pavers just as they were while MOTH 'supervises', as his crook shoulder is still giving him heaps. I've told them if I trip over any of the replaced pavers that aren't sitting flush, they're immediately out of the Last Will & Testament of their mother. Wish me luck, I reckon I'll need it!!



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