Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Finns I've known

Images Finnish Design Shop

I must hastily add here - not in the Biblical sense of the word! Nor has this anything to do with those Finn brothers from the Kiwi band Crowded House. Rather I do need to tell you about the only 2 Finns who have crossed my life's path.

The first when at 16 I became madly infatuated with a gorgeous & much older (20!!) Finnish boy who's girlfriend went to my school. He used to pick her up each day & sometimes he would even smile & say hello to me as I just 'happened' to walk by his car after school. I was quickly smitten & thought he was so sophisticated & wordly studying Fine Arts @ Adelaide Uni. 2 years later, when I had left school & was studying, I ran into him at a pretty wild party one night & he remembered me & showed quite some interest - be still my beating heart!! No names here, as Adelaide is like a big country town & Finns are pretty light on the ground here. However, it took me quite some time to get over the gorgeous Scandanavian one.

The other lovely Finn is my dear friend Nina (Ballerina) from Norman Park in Brisbane. We first met 20 years ago when we were both working for the same Company but in different cities. We hit it off immediately & became the best of mates & have always kept in contact. Amazingly, 3 years ago, we ended up working together again but for a different U.S. Company. We had a most 'memorable' trip together to Boston for work in 2006 - but I must hold up the 'what goes on tour stays on tour' card here!! Mainly to do with the amount of shopping I did & her very 'creative' advice about how to explain the shocking state of my Mastercard to MOTH!! Bless you my friend!!

So this post is dedicated to all things Finnish - lovely people who's designs aren't too shabby either!!


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