Saturday, March 6, 2010

Face Reading Tips and Techniques 
Are those bags under your eyes from lack of sleep or problems with your kidneys? If you order an eye cream or treatment of your kidneys? In Oriental medicine, believes that we face reflects the health of our vital organs. Our beauty is a reflection of our health, both physically and mentally. According to experts face to read, you can correct some aspects of your skin by treating the bodies affecting it.There are a few versions of the face reading technique. The following pages explore the interpretation of face reading Dr. Haushka and traditional Oriental medicine.The foreheadRepresents the nervous system functions. The lines and wrinkles in this area indicate that the person spends much time thinking, rather than on instinct. Thinking of the mind, instinct from the heart.Pimples in this area also indicate an exaggeration to think that much energy from the digestive system. In Oriental medicine for the head is related to the following organs: the gall bladder, liver and stomach. If no proper elimination of toxins from the gallbladder and the intestines, will produce pimples.Lines between the eyebrows similar to the liver. According to Jon Sandifer in his book "Oriental Face Reading," as this area is prone to develop acne or is oily or has deep lines, this indicates liver imbalance. Correction of the imbalance, Sandifer recommends reducing the consumption of animal products, spices and alcohol, eat more vegetables and doing yoga or Tai Chi.To ensure a healthy forehead, it is important to stop pressure on your thoughts and more joyous, it will be the bodies.Food is also important to strengthen the organs. Dr. Hauschka recommends eating more whole grains, green / root vegetables, drinking enough water, avoiding processed foods, caffeine and reducing the provision of a range of artistic expression.The mid-faceThis is the area of the eyebrows to the bottom of the nose. The bodies that dominate this region are the heart and lungs. Kidneys, stomach and liver reflected in areas around the eyesIf the lungs are healthy, reflects this healthy, bright, red cheeks. Shallow skin in this area indicates pulmonary congestion or poor oxygen levels. According to Dr. Hauschka, pimples in this area indicate an excess of fat and sugar in the lungs.To the skin in this area to improve, according to face reading experts, you can: Stop smoking, reduce or eliminate fatty and greasy foods, and eliminate trans fats or hydrogenated oils found in a lot of baked products.Eat more green vegetables, especially crucifers such as broccoli and cauliflower. Exercise daily and walk to eliminate toxins from your body. Wallen, redness, rash and broken capillaries on the cheeks also indicate lung's imbalance.The eye bags are related to the kidneys. Swelling occurs when the kidneys are weak. To improve the renal function, it is advisable to reduce or alcohol, coffee and soft drinks to eliminate, and drink more water.The kidneys are also responsible for a high consumption of animal products and a high level of salt.The nose is connected to the heart. If the bulb of the nose is red and swollen, this indicates that the heart is overworked. For a healthy heart, eat less saturated fat in meat and dairy, eliminate trans fats (often found in abundance in the fast-food and processed foods) and eat more vegetables and whole grains. Exercise daily and reduce stress.The lower region This is the area of the nose to the chin. It is related to the digestive tract. The chin is related to the functioning of the kidneys and the gall bladder and reproductive organs.If spots or stains in the chin area, this indicates accumulation of fat and hormonal imbalance in the reproductive organs.The lips are related to the intestines, swollen lips indicate congestion in the digestive tract.A healthy lifestyle including diet, stress reduction, nourish souls through art or a hobby to help the organs and a healthy, radiant face, according to this theory have balance.Face reading also includes many other aspects such as personality and there are many books on the subject.


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