Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Keeping It Simple

I'm in the midst of a monstrous week at work, with Advanced Trainee Workshops for the Fellows running each day & 2 Dinners. I do love these guys though, they've chosen The National Wine Centre in Adelaide as the venue, as they reckoned it had the best audio-visual facilities for teleconferencing, 'onya boys! This week is held just prior to their first round of College exams, & they are all a little edgy. So the excellent ' refreshment' area at the venue should help break the tension for the poor darlings at the end of each day. I do need to keep life simple & uncomplicated this week, so thank you Joseph Dirand for this outstanding kitchen design. Marble, black gloss woodwork, sandstone on the floor - such simplicity, but with every centimetre of it oozing style.


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