Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Life's Layers

I had long drive to see a client yesterday, & as often happens, that gave me 3 hours alone in the car without any interruptions to think & mull, & then to think & mull some more. It will be 2 years next month since The Hedge slipped/slid/fell/lurched into the wonderful world of blogging. And nearly 500 posts later, I'm still having a really, really, really good time. So that being the case, why is it that I still feel a little 'uncomfortable' whenever the subject is brought up in public. When I started The Hedge MOTH & the kids took not the slightest interest in it. Now bless them all, they're my best PR Agents. They tell anyone & everyone about The Hedge & can spout off the full http:// address without blinking. So why, when asked by someone to explain what The Hedge is all about in a work or social setting, do I still shy off & want to change the subject pronto?

Well, no more! It's high time to toss off my cloak of coyness & accept that The Hedge is now a permanent layer in the multi-layered cake that is my life & I wouldn't want it any other way. The bottom layers will always be MOTH & my 5 darling boys, always there ready to prop up the higher & less well-balanced layers. My much-loved work & wonderful clients are the robust middle layers along with my dear friends & extended family. Then teetering a little precariously on the top is this house & all the things we still need to do to finish its transformation. So what layer does my blog life assume? Well that's easy, it's the frosting on the top. Sweet & yummy, it's the thing that really makes this cake such a scrumptious thing.

Thanks to you all, the gorgeous people that still make it fun to do every single day - you truly are the frosting on my layer cake of life. And the promise to myself is to come out from behind the veil & celebrate what I have found, to embrace the unique community I'm part of, stand tall (even if I can only make it to 162cms!) & tell the world 'I'm Millie & I blog!'

Image: Epicurious


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