Sunday, March 21, 2010

Measured And MOTHodical

My Public, my Public - thank you so much to all of you who expressed deep sympathy & understanding following Millie's post on my recent record-breaking Serum Lipid levels. I don't how the information has got to such levels in our local community, but I've received brochures from 5 different Funeral Directors, an Exclusion of Risk Notification from my Life Insurance company & an invitation from a group of Cardiologists to be their case study at the next World Cardiology Congress!

It is always good when dealing with an affliction to find a Dr. who has experienced a similar condition, & fortunately my Doc. has wrestled with Hyperlipidaemia. It was decided at consultation to take the highly scientific approach - NOTHING - as it's 99% genetic in my case & no ancestors or close living rellies have shuffled off due to clogged vessels. For example my Great Grandfather James at the age of 84, died 3 days after slipping on a banana skin, from complications of a fractured femur - true story! Anyway Millie says I have to survive at least another 25 years because at the current rate it's gonna take me that long to complete the reconstruction/renovation of this God forsaken project I've gotten into!

Speaking of are all probably wondering at what stage the Bathroom-From-Hell (BFH) is at - well so am I!!! I DON'T have any excuses (other than the fact that for the last 12 years, I've spent 6.5 days/week working on other people's houses!!), but I DO have reasons, largely due to advice from my good mate Moose - the Consultant Building Engineer.

  • The concrete in the reconstructed floor needed to cure for at least 12 months to ensure no cracking occurred in the outrageously expensive tiles chosen by Mills.

  • I had to ensure that any rebuilt walls had to remain perpendicular for a given time for similar reasons to the above.

  • Re the large, gaping hole in the wall for the new window - this is directly relating to the above points.

  • This Summer was stiflingly hot & OH&S clearly state that one shouldn't work above 20C. (68F.)! Clearly the best substance for cooling in these conditions is beer & I found that after a couple, work was not advisable.
The above legitimate reasons notwithstanding, Mills has been advised that work on the final stages of putting in a ceiling, window, applying those obscenely expensive tiles & the other budget-breaking fittings will be underway as of the Easter holidays. This is on the promise of what will happen if I don't - ooooh, ooouch! - Millie inflicts a mean 3rd degree Chinese burn as shown graphically below!!

Exhibit A (after it stopped smoking)

Good to post to you all, Millie is on the way home from her How To Treble Your Man's Home Renovation Output In Five Easy One-Hour Sessions class & I'd better look busy. Love & kisses from MOTH (Man-of-the-House). xx


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