Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Medalling Millie

For as long as we've been together, MOTH's rowing medals have just been chucked in a drawer. If he's won another one, he stumbles in from the Regatta, quickly flashes it past me & tosses it in with all the others. The only one that holds any real portent is his Gold Medal from the FISA World Master's Games, when he & his crew became the World Champions in the Men's 'C' Grade Four. As this win represented the pinnacle of his long rowing career, he actually framed it, but then never put it on display.

As the Owner of exactly ZERO medals, I reckon his deserve better treatment than languishing in the bottom drawer of the wardrobe, but the question is what to do with them? The kids suggested tossing them in the Vinnies Bin, but I had a mental picture of a whole lot of 'disadvantaged' gentleman walking through the Parklands on their way to the Whitmore Square Night Shelter all decked out in MOTH's medals! Surely I thought, Queen Martha would have a crafting idea for them, but no, a quick search on her site came up negative. So I'm going to throw it open to you guys, what would you do with all these? Knowing you all, I reckon there's going to be some very creative & interesting suggestions! Oh & one other small point, there's another 2 big cardboard boxes in the garage chock-a-block full of the same thing!


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