Monday, July 13, 2009

My Heart

Cate from ella and baba recently tagged me to play along with My Heart, thank you so much it's always fun to play! In her very chic & stylish way, her post was VERY creative! Sorry Cate, but mine will be NOWHERE as wonderful as yours, but here goes anyway. All I have to do is post a photo that best represents my heart. Yeah right, so I thought this would be easy-peasy -WRONG!

Of course I'll post on my all beautiful boys I thought & how they make my heart sing every time I think of them.

Or the gorgeous MOTH who keeps me on my toes constantly with all his 'adventures' & who I couldn't bear to live a second without.

Or my beloved parents who gave me more love than I could ever have dreamt possible.

Or my job which excites & fulfils me every single moment I do it.

But my mind kept constantly returning to this one photo, so this is My Heart because:

I'd just been given the role of Alice in the end-of-year school play of Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. I was always the quiet, shy little girl who struggled to fit in, finding the world outside my gentle, loving & protective home difficult to settle into. Mercilessly teased because I always had my nose inside a book. Not interested in playing silly schoolyard games with the other girls. Not excelling academically, just plodding along in the middle of the group. Lacking confidence & self-assurance in every way.

Then something wonderful happened. Surprisingly, the role of Alice was given to me, the most reserved little girl in class. We weren't a wealthy family - so I wore my blue & white check Summer school uniform as a dress with a tulle petticoat underneath to give it 'Alice' volume & Mum lovingly hand-made my pretty white frilled pinafore & blue satin headband. And as cliched as it is, it was like the bright colourful butterfly emerging from it's dull cocoon. This quiet little 7 year old suddenly found her wings & flew. Playing Alice gave her the confidence to sit comfortably with the world, to leave home eagerly & excitedly every day, to walk up to the girls in the playground & join in their games & to get A's instead of C's.

To this day, Alice is with me in all that I do. She encourages me to grasp hold of every unique opportunity that comes my way, to make the right decisions & move on without regret from the wrong ones, to love deeply & passionately & to always uphold my core values. To encourage others, to continually seek knowledge & learning, to laugh often & to show true compassion & act on it.

So Alice is My Heart & will be forever.

What does your Heart photo look like -

Christina @ Rustic Tarts.


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