Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Firstly a warm thank you to Vicki A. over at French Essence. The morning after the Academy Awards last month, Vicki graciously passed on the following awards to a number of us, although I still think she made a typo including The Hedge in her list. Looking at the parade of notables she included, I feel like the gatecrasher at a posh Hotel, who's accidentally hurtled through the doors of a beautiful & elegant private party while looking for the Ladies Loo. With drink in hand & a look of sheer desperation, she knows immediately this is not where she should be!

Vicki's award speech went as follows: 'As great scribblers, generous people and highly entertaining and truly fabulous bloggers I offer you all of these awards.'

Thanks again Vicki & in my acceptance speech to the French Essence Academy, I have to of course thank my partner-in-renovating MOTH. While Greg at Stirling Hardware still lets him buy power tools, his eyes are still sharp enough to misread the architects plans & dyspraxia remains his constant companion - The Laurel Hedge will be viable!

What a fabulous Quadrella of Awards - thanks Vicki for letting me escape Renovation Central for a few moments each day over at the wonderfully stylish French Essence - it's the best diversional therapy session I could ever ask for!

Secondly, I'd like to share a deep & serious insight on blogging recently given to me by that most famous of non-bloggers himself Chairman MOTH.

' A blog is like one of those light, airy, souffle, spongey cake things Millie - it can start off really good, but if you're not careful, it can end up a real mess.'

Words we could all live by - most of all me!


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