Thursday, March 5, 2009

Weekend Warriors

It's the weekend & MOTH & I are going our separate ways. He'll be in building mode in our main bathroom, which is now just a gutted shell - albeit with a hole in the outside wall I could drive my car through! (Pics next week with an advance warning to 'Look away now!') And weather permitting, I'll be in our 'jungle' planting up a new garden bed Son #4 very kindly prepared for me on his week off from the wilds of his much-loved job in Northern Australia.

Whatever your plans are, have a fabulous weekend! I really loved all your fabulous comments on yesterday's post - I laughed & laughed! MOTH tends to do his best thinking when locked up all day in a room that's he's renovating, so stay tuned. As he emerges from the dust & grime of the bathroom each night, I have a feeling I may well have a couple of posts for next week on the go. When I hear him utter those famous words "Millie, I've just been thinking......." I know we're on a roll!


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