Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A Big Raspberry

Image Country Style (Caroline Zoob) my work Lap-Top! Just when I needed you to perform at your best, you decided to go belly-up first thing yesterday. Don't worry that it's the end of the month & I need you desperately, so that I can extract data & financials to write all my reports, I've got a zillion Quotes that need to get out to clients before next Monday & the only way I can access my email is via crappy Webmail on the back end of our global Server. Oh & then there's the small issue of all my appointments being on my Outlook Diary. So back you've gone to the IT experts in Sydney, wrapped in bubble wrap with my stuff trapped inside you! So let's not muck around here, instead of one big raspberry, here's a whole damn bowl of them just for you!


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