Dear South Australian Tourism Commission & the Adelaide Hills Regional Development Board
In an interview 10 days ago with Ellen Degeneres to promote his latest movie 'The Boys are Back' Clive Owen described the Adelaide Hills (where a good part of the movie was filmed) as ' stunningly beautiful, that part of the world' & ''s amazing, there's such a sense of space & wildlife, it's really stunning, you should go.'
Since then, the silence from you mob has been deafening. You guys need to grasp hold of Clive's fantastic unsolicited endorsement immediately & run with it at lightening speed in your promotion of our wonderful Region to the rest of the world. If I don't see any evidence of that very soon, then I may be forced to enact a bloodless coup at your next Meeting. A take over as Marketing Manager & maybe even Chairman, is on the cards here. And as MOTH calls me his 'Little Pirhana Fish', that thought alone should galvanize you into immediate action to avoid the infamous Millie Death Stare around the Board Room table!!! MOTH reckons it can freeze boiling water in a second, so be very afraid.
Oh & as I come from the Private Sector, I'm used to getting things done pronto & with a minimum of fuss. No Committees, Sub-Committees & Sub-Committes of Sub Committees as so aften occurs in the good old Public Sector. I'm sure there are no politics, no hidden agendas, no factional in-fighting & no self-grandisement within your Organizations, but just in case I get a whiff of such nonsense, be prepared for some whip-cracking Millie-style. I deliver what I promise.
Apart from being renown as Australia's premier cool climate wine region, the Adelaide Hills has sooooo much going for it.We know we live in one of the most spectacular regions in Australia & we're ever so friendly & welcome visitors & tourists with open arms. You've been given an amazing opportunity, so please, please, please do as you are mandated & promote us until you can promote no more. 'Cos Clive said so!
Regards Millie (A very passionate & parochial local - all fired up & hot under the collar!)
So my friends, can I tempt you with ......
Mt. Lofty House at Crafers - accommodation in an elegant Country House
Apple Tree Cottage at Oakbank for a wonderful stay in a stylish country cottage
Cladich Pavillions at Aldgate for a striking modern Aussie experience & all fully self-contained
Henry's at Basket Range - life in an apple orchard, the house is all yours
Breakfast amongst the trees on the deck at another of Cladich Pavilions fab houses
Panoramic vistas of glorious countryside dotted with our amazing cold climate vineyards
and more vineyards
A meander down back country roads dotted with lush green dairy properties
And a picnic high on the hill overlooking Apple Tree Cottage
A round of golf at Mt. Lofty - but you may need to step around the wildlife on the Course
Lunch on the deck of one of Australia's most acclaimed (& my favourite!) restaurants Bridgewater Mill at Bridgewater is an absolute must
Or dine inside & experience impeccable service in elegant surrounds
Mr. Gorgeous Himself aka Chef Le Tu Thai conjures up magical dishes using local Adelaide Hills produce
And of course all enjoyed with a bottle or three of the restaurant's flagship Petaluma white
A long leisurely lunch at The Lane Vineyard Restaurant at Hahndorf is a must
But do enjoy a glass of Helen & John Edward' s fabulous wine in the tasting area before moving into the snazzy dining room
The restaurant's elevated setting let's you take in the the stunning views of The Lane's vineyards while enjoying your meal
And what about rounding off the day with a pint at my local Pub The Stirling Hotel just around the corner from Casa Millie de MOTH And of course, dinner back at the Pub in the evening to enjoy the great food in MOTH's favourite eatery, the Mallee Room Grill A relaxing lunch the next day on the verandah at the Norton Summit HotelAnd a late afternoon glass in the sun of one of my favourite Savvy Blanc's at Shaw & Smith Wander over to see Kris at Woodside Cheese who produces wonderful artisanal cheeses like this and this and this and this And a slight diversion over to the little village of Summertown to pick up some yummy chocolates from Just Bliss
I could a full week of posts on the many fantastic attractions of my Adelaide Hills. All contained within a compact 70 kilometre area, & only a 30 minute drive from the Adelaide Airport - I hope to see you all really soon!!! Oh & to the SATC & AHRDB - GET CRACKING the clock's ticking!!!!