Sunday, October 4, 2009

MOTH is by his own admission a Neanderthal-type of guy. He rails against new technology, new gadgets, new thinking, really anything that was invented, produced or marketed after 1965. We are the laughing stock of our kids because according to them 'You are the only parents in the world without a flat screen TV.' Well, as MOTH says 'Why would we need to spend money on some new fangled thing when the old one works perfectly fine thanks.' So we have continued to watch our faithful 16 year old small screen Sony TV & MOTH's been very happy, that is until Saturday night.

'Millie, Millie come quick, the telly's on the blink & I need you to fix it.' Nurse Millie arrived pronto, & after a detailed examination, sadly had to break the news to MOTH that the telly was unable to be resuscitated & it was over & out for the Sony. However, it only took a few moments before MOTH realized what that really meant - yes, we'd have to do the very thing he hates the most - SPEND MONEY!

So after getting some product advice from the kids, LCD vs. Plasma, off we went into David Jones yesterday arvo (the only Store that still let's MOTH through the door!) to do the deed. Most of the time MOTH spent in a chair being attended to by the Store Nurse, as opening his wallet induced an episode of syncope that left him unable to stand, so I had to do the wheeling & dealing.

After 10 painless minutes, I became the proud Mother of new Sony. He's absolutely beautiful, all 40" LCD HD of him. I had to drive home as MOTH was too distraught & all he kept muttering was 'New car, new TV all in one week, new car, new TV all in one week.' I feel an urgent call to his Therapist coming on, he's not coping at all well. Oh & as this is a Long Weekend, the new telly can't be delivered until next Thursday. MOTH did suggest that we fire up the Scrabble & Wordrop last night, but I politely declined, as frankly I couldn't think of anything worse than having to put up with him yelling 'I won, I won!' all night.


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